11 minutes · Color · 1.66:1 · Super 16mm · USA/Germany · 2023

“Disillusioned by the concept of monogamy, Ben and Sophie arrange to have a threesome with a mysterious mutual acquaintance. In Ben’s half-furnished Brooklyn apartment they wait impatiently for the third to arrive. However, as day turns to night, it becomes clear that this acquaintance of theirs may never show up.”


Official Selection
65. ZINEBI International Festival of Documentary and Short Film of Bilbao

starring Shelby Flannery & Ben Irving
with Zachary Zamsky
cinematography Owen Smith-Clark
gaffer Alexander Hufschmid
sound recordists Re Chandan, Josh Govier & Eamon Redpath
sound design Béla Brandes
colorist Jared Rosenthal
producer Julia Tinneny
associate producers Dan Holland & Ursula Von Fluegge
written, directed and edited by William Wrubel

shot on location in Brooklyn, NY

a film by William Wrubel
© Geister Film 2023


Živá Voda

